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Moldovan president says it is necessary to identify clear-cut instrument to protect farmers

15:53 | 25.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - There are no miraculous and easy solutions to a long-lasting problem in the agricultural sector. Nevertheless, it is necessary that we identify a clear-cut instrument, through which we are to protect the farmers from the exaggerated penalties and foreclosures. President Maia Sandu has made statements to this effect following a discussion with representatives of more associations of producers of cereals from different regions of Moldova, as well as representatives of providers of inputs for the agricultural sector.  

According to the head of state, the sides found out that the problems in the cereals’ sector were complicated and that this difficult situation was repeated year after year, especially because of the pronounced tendency of drought and heat.    

„The government and the parliament elaborated, in accelerated way, a law unanimously adopted in parliament, which is to allow the farmers reschedule the loans, but especially cease the process of foreclosure during six months. The opinions on this law, unveiled today by farmers and providers of inputs, are different – some of them demand its suspension and the individual analysis of each case separately; the others demand the amendment of the law’s provisions. I listened to the farmers’ specifications and we tried to find solutions together, proceeding from the current reality. There are no miraculous and easy solutions to a long-lasting problem in the agricultural sector,’’ Maia Sandu said.   

The official stressed that, following the dialogue, more measures had been agreed upon for the settlement of the problems from the sector.  

„I saw openness on behalf of the participants for extending the period of the debts’ payment. It is necessary that we identify a clear-cut instrument, through which we are to protect the farmers from exaggerated penalties and foreclosures. At the same time, I will discuss with the parliament and the government, in order to open a new communication with the farmers, so that through dialogue, solutions of common agreement are identified, taking into account the demands of the cereals’ sector, of the providers of inputs, as well as the capacities of the state budget. I will also urge the ministry to transparentize the subsidies provided through the publication of a full list of all those who benefited from subsidies on behalf of the state,’’ Maia Sandu noted.    

The Moldovan president stressed that the change of the climate was inevitable and that substantial long-term transformations were needed in the agricultural sector, so that the same problem should not appear year after year.   

„I am sure that such discussions, as well as the enforcement of viable solutions can be made only through dialogue. As we want the Moldovan agriculture to flourish and the state’s assistance to help namely to this end. I have a huge respect for all people who work in our country and I want all those who work honestly to have profit, can pay people owning land quotas, in order to be able to pay the salaries and taxes and to make products with high value added,’’ Maia Sandu specified.    

More farmers last week protested outside the Presidency Building, being discontented with the situation in the sector. The head of the Office of the Moldovan president, Adrian Balutel, came to speak to the protesters and invited the farmers to discussions with President Maia Sandu. The meeting was scheduled for today.

The parliament last week approved the draft of the special law meant for backing the farmers hit by the last summer severe drought. Under this law, the farmers will benefit from the prolongation or renegotiation of the payment obligations for the debts accumulated, including the capital ratios, interests and penalties.   






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