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Six communities from central Moldova district to benefit from grant on behalf of USA for waste management equipment

16:56 | 26.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - The mayoralties from the central Nisporeni district – Cioresti, Varzaresti, Vanatori and Seliste – on 25 September signed a contract on grant provided by the government of the United States through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Moldova and the My Community Programme, implemented by International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX). The contract regards the improvement of the waste management services through an inter-community cooperation project concluded between six settlements.   

Presently, the solid waste management service of the Nisporeni town and the neighbouring settlements faces major difficulties, triggered by the low capacity of the local operator and the lack of the proper infrastructure for collection. ‘’Through this project, with a value of more than 13 million lei (650,000 euros), three special vehicles, 66 containers, 4,000 bins and five motorized scythes will be purchased. Also, a garage for equipment and 22 platforms for waste containers will be constructed,’’ USAID said.  

This initiative is part of a major project coordinated by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), for the implementation of an integrated system of solid waste management in the Waste Management Area 5 (ZMD-5), which comprises the districts of Nisporeni, Calarasi and Ungheni. During 20 years, this project will ensure the building of new regional stations for the management and transfer of waste, as well as for the liquidation of about 100 unauthorized dumps.  




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