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International Organization for Migration to back Moldova in actions of response to ecological crises, promotion of sustainable environmental initiatives

17:25 | 26.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has reaffirmed its commitment to back Moldova in the elaboration of documents of strategic planning of resilience, both nationally and locally, in order to respond to the emergent challenges and promote the sustainable environmental initiatives.    

The agenda of the meeting was dedicated to opportunities of cooperation in the field of the management of the ecological crises and working out of resilience strategies.

„This initiative is crucial in the context of the present challenges triggered by the climate changes, which hit both the environment and the local communities. IOM reaffirmed its commitment to support Moldova in the elaboration of the documents of strategic planning of resilience, both nationally and locally, in order to respond to the emergent challenges and promote the sustainable environmental initiatives,’’ the Environment Ministry said.   

Among the subjects discussed, there was also Moldova’s participation in the international conference COP29, organized by IOM within the United Nations Climate Change Conference. Education Minister Sergiu Lazarencu stressed the importance of an active participation in this international forum, in order to promote the needs and perspectives of Moldova in terms of environment.   



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