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Moldova presents exhibition returning to Iasi

18:38 | 26.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Sep 26 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova presents exhibition will be organized on November 8 - 10 in Iasi, Romania. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) launched today the stage of receiving applications from Moldovan entrepreneurs who would like to participate in the event and present the best products made in the Republic of Moldova to consumers from across the Prut.

CCI President Sergiu Harea told a press conference today that the exhibition has already become a tradition. It will be held on an area of about 600 square meters in a shopping center in Iasi. The organizers estimate that 70-80 local companies from different branches of the national economy will participate in the event. The exhibition will give participants the opportunity to interact directly with potential clients and business partners from Romania, to promote their products and to sign cooperation agreements.

Entrepreneurs wishing to participate in the event can submit their applications to the CCI by October 15.

Paul Butnariu, president of Iasi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is convinced that "the exhibition will be a success, just like all previous editions of the event".

Companies coming to Iasi will benefit from the support of the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA). Ana Sochirca, head of section at ODA, explained that the institution she represents will support entrepreneurs by partially reimbursing the expenses related to the registration fee and the rental fee for the exhibition space.

The event is open to all producers of goods and service providers from all regions of the Republic of Moldova, including small and medium-sized enterprises, peasant households, craftsmen, insurance, leasing and consulting companies, as well as enterprises that form the infrastructure of innovative activities.

Moldova Presents exhibition is a spin-off of the national exhibition Made in Moldova, held every year in Chisinau. It has also been organized in other Romanian cities, including Ploiesti, Brasov, Baia Mare, Cluj-Napoca.




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