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Romanian president at UN rostrum says Romania to support consolidation of Moldova's resilience

14:58 | 26.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 September /MOLDPRES/ - Romania will continue the unconditional support for the consolidation of Moldova’s resilience. Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has made statements to this effect in his speech given at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.  

The Romanian head of state that ‘’Romania supports the international order.’’ He referred to the fact that ‘’the insecurity persists in more regions of the world,’’ noting that ‘’solutions are necessary to reestablish the peace and protect the international law.’’   

„We, the world’s leaders, have everybody gathered here, with the responsibility of a better global vision and the will to enforce it in reality. No matter how unsafe the current world is, the response to our problems will always consist in more cooperation and more solidarity. Romania will always support the international world order, with the UN in its centre. If we want to find solutions, we must have a more responsible vision on the world. We should understand its challenges,’’ Iohannis said.    

„Look at the terrible global consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. This war triggered the biggest security crisis in the recent history of Europe. In the context, Romania provided a strong and multidimensional support to Ukraine and its people and we committed to maintain it as long as needed. At the same time, Romania will continue its unconditional support for the consolidation of the resilience of Moldova, the second worst hit country by this war,’’ the Romanian head of state said.

He stressed that ‘’our security is not regional, but global’’ and that ‘’this brutal war has already affected nations and people from all over the world.’’

The official highlighted the crucial role in facilitating the exports of cereals from Ukraine, played by Romania through its Danube and Black Sea ports. ‘’A long-term conflict is unacceptable and we must stay firm on position. Ukraine needs the resolute support of all UN member states, determined to observe the international law and the UN Charter. Romania fully supports the Peace Initiative by President Zelenskyy. This is the only approach which can ensure a just and sustainable peace and is in full accordance with the UN Charter and the international law,’’ Iohannis also said.     

The works of the high-level segment of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly are held in New York on 23-27 September.   


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