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Head of Agency for Interethnic Relations: Cross-border cooperation in Bugeac area in Moldova-Romania-Ukraine format can be an example to be followed in other regions as well

18:26 | 26.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Sept 26 /MOLDPRES/- The creation of Bugeac Euroregion is a unique initiative for the Republic of Moldova, as it comes from the local public administration of Ukraine and involves the city halls of the Republic of Moldova. The aim of this collaboration is to move together on integration into the European Union. Director general of the Agency for Interethnic Relations Veaceslav Reabcinschi made the statement after a forum held in Ukraine on Romanian-Moldovan-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation.

"The fact that Bugeac Euroregion initiative was born in the area and many common values and traditions bind us, the very fact that we have many Moldovans in the South of Bessarabia in Ukraine makes it easier to pass through the pre-accession stage. It is a very important and powerful element. And this example of cross-border cooperation in this Moldova-Romania-Ukraine format can be followed in other regions of our country as well", Reabcinschi said.

Reabcinschi was asked by MOLDPRES to comment on our country's accession to the European Union, he said "EU accession offers significant benefits to national minorities in the member states, which contribute to the protection and promotion of their rights, improvement of living conditions and better social and economic integration. The EU requires high standards of human rights and protection of national minorities. By joining the EU, Member States are committed to respecting the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which protects the rights of ethnic and cultural minorities".

"National minorities can benefit from European funds that support regional development, social inclusion and the fight against poverty. The EU encourages respect and promotion of linguistic diversity, giving ethnic minorities the necessary recognition and visibility. National minorities have the opportunity to be more actively involved in European decision-making through their representatives at national and European level. The European Parliament and the European Commission provide platforms for voicing minority concerns and interests. The EU encourages intercultural dialogue and the participation of national minorities in civic and political initiatives, contributing to a better understanding and social cohesion between different ethnic communities," Reabcinschi said.

Several border towns in south-eastern Moldova and Odessa region of Ukraine are determined to help strengthen cross-border relations by creating a new Euroregion named Bugeac. This will be based on several common factors - origins, culture, language and, more recently, aspirations for a European path.


Reporter- Lilia Grubîi


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