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Fuel prices continue to decrease

13:06 | 06.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Dec. 6 /MOLDPRES/- Fuel prices are falling. Diesel fuel again drops below 20 lei/liter threshold, and the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) notes that despite a previous period of slight appreciation, starting this week, fuel prices are again falling, outlining more and more the likelihood of a downward trend.

Under these conditions, for the next three days, 07.12.2024-09.12.2024, ANRE has set the maximum retail prices of the main standard petroleum products at the level of: - 22.80 lei/liter - for petrol COR 95 (- 04 bani); - 19.95 lei/liter - for standard diesel (- 07 bani).

According to ANRE, both petrol and diesel, after the decreases of the last few days, remain to keep their price levels below the thresholds of 23 lei/liter and 20 lei/liter, respectively. "Since the third quarter of this year, the market of petroleum products in Moldova has been characterized by a general depreciation of prices, being strongly influenced by 17% drop of Platts quotations," the source said.


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