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REFERENDUM 2024 // CCI head, Moldovan Theater Union's head, Interethnic Relations Agency director explain EU benefits

19:47 | 16.08.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Citizens of the Republic of Moldova will participate in a constitutional referendum on 20 October 2024, and will answer the question: “Do you agree amending the Constitution to enable Moldova's accession to the European Union?”

The results of the referendum will provide the basis, if most people responds affirmatively for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova so that the goal of European integration becomes mandatory for all future governments.

Moldova's rapprochement with the European Union brings a range of benefits for Moldovan entrepreneurs: a vast market for Moldovan products, new business development opportunities, jobs, investments and economic growth. Participation in the October 20 referendum is crucial as it will allow the Republic of Moldova to continue its direction towards the European Union and align with countries that have a well-developed democracy where fundamental human rights and freedoms are respected. The EU encourages intercultural dialogue, contributing to better understanding and social cohesion among different ethnic communities.

These views were expressed by Sergiu Harea, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sandu Grecu, President of the Moldovan Theater Union, and Veaceslav Reabcinschii, Director-General of the Interethnic Relations Agency, as part of REFERENDUM 2024 campaign organized by MOLDPRES News Agency.

Sergiu Harea, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova: “Our priority is the economic integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union.”

The European Union represents a developed economy, modern businesses in a favorable environment for international trade and investment. Therefore, the CCI aims for effective cooperation with entrepreneurs from EU member states and development partners. Together with European partners, we have managed to develop cooperation programs and exchange experiences for local entrepreneurs and contribute to increasing Moldova’s exports. The enormous potential offered by the EU market encourages us to look confidently towards the future and to encourage the business environment to develop new partnerships with European business.

The EU has become the main export market for Moldovan products, and the number of companies exporting goods to the EU is continuously growing. Therefore, at this stage, we need to focus more on quality aspects, such as product certification according to European standards, quality infrastructure, and the competitiveness of goods and services of Moldova. In this context, the CCI ensures public-private dialogue between business and decision-makers, organizes training programs according to European standards, economic missions and exhibitions of domestic products in EU member countries.

As the EU supports free and fair trade, this summer we returned to the Romanian market - Moldova's main trading partner. In Brașov, alongside over 40 companies from the Republic of Moldova in various sectors such as agri-food industry, wines, cosmetics, textiles, furniture, etc., the CCI organized the Moldova Presents exhibition. We were pleasantly surprised once again by the interest of consumers from Romania as well as tourists in Moldovan products. This exhibition has become a tradition in several cities in Romania, demonstrating that our products are competitive, appreciated, and anticipated in the EU market.

The rapprochement with the EU brings a lot of benefits for Moldovan entrepreneurs. First and foremost, it opens up a vast market where our products will surely find their place. Additionally, it provides new opportunities for business development, partnerships, investments in the Republic of Moldova, and, of course, economic growth. The EU remains an anchor for economic prosperity and peace.

Sandu Grecu, President of the Moldovan Theater Union: "In the theater we have another, much more cultured audience. It is important not to stop halfway."

Participation in the referendum on October 20 is very important because it will allow us to continue the direction in which the Republic of Moldova has started its path. People have seen the benefits and what the EU means after the visa liberalization. They remember how they used to travel through fields, reach France, and were left behind and deceived. Today, any citizen of the Republic of Moldova, thanks to visa free regime, can go wherever they want, rest wherever they want, work and sell goods wherever they want. Many of the most significant problems have disappeared. This path must be followed further, which is why it is crucial not to stop halfway. We must move forward. I am confident that together we will succeed. The Republic of Moldova is a European country. In terms of vision and mentality, people have changed since the borders with the EU were opened. Hundreds of thousands have had the opportunity to work in EU countries, but not only have they worked, they have been formed, and now they have a different mentality. The diaspora differs in its way of thinking and perception of national and social values. In the theater, we have a different audience, one that is much more cultured and demanding, and I am pleased because our society has rejuvenated and is much more cultured.

Being integrated into the EU provides us with a sense of security for the future, allowing us to stand alongside democratic countries with mature democracies, which will save us from dictatorship. Look at what is happening in Romania; there is political struggle, but there is democracy, freedom of speech, and the rights of citizens are respected. This is what we must fight for. This is Europe - decent wages, security for the future, freedom of expression, and assurance that I can appeal to international courts in cases where my rights are violated in my own country. We should all go to vote and support the European Union.

For me personally, the EU means a lot because it has opened up my field of activity. Every year we launch projects. 

Veaceslav Reabcinschii, Director-General of the Interethnic Relations Agency: “The EU encourages respect for and promotion of linguistic diversity, providing ethnic minorities with recognition and visibility”

Accession to the European Union offers significant benefits to national minorities in member states, contributing to the protection and promotion of their rights, improving living conditions and ensuring better social and economic integration. The EU requires high standards of human rights and protection of national minorities. By joining the EU, member states are committed to upholding the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which safeguards the rights of ethnic and cultural minorities.

National minorities can benefit from European funds that support regional development, social inclusion and poverty reduction. These funds are used for projects that improve infrastructure, education and economic opportunities in minority communities. EU programs such as Erasmus+ and Creative Europe provide funding opportunities for education, vocational training and cultural projects that promote cultural and linguistic diversity.

Through initiatives like the European Day of Languages, the EU encourages respect for and promotion of linguistic diversity, offering ethnic minorities the recognition and visibility. National minorities have the opportunity to be more actively involved in the European decision-making process through their representatives at both national and European levels. The European Parliament and the European Commission provide platforms for expressing the concerns and interests of minorities. The EU promotes intercultural dialogue and the participation of national minorities in civic and political initiatives, contributing to a better understanding and social cohesion among different ethnic communities.





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