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Moldovan premier visits kindergarten from central district village

18:43 | 15.06.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 15 June /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean, on a visit to the central Straseni district, has gone to the Radeni commune, made up of the village, Draguseni, Zamciogi and Radeni. The settlement has a modern infrastructure; the public services provided to citizens are qualitative and the local community is united.    

According to the government’s communication and protocol department, during the discussion with local residents, the PM referred to the need of joining the efforts of the central and local public authorities, in order to manage to develop the communities, to back the quality services and develop the local infrastructure. 

„The government continues to work, for the living standards in our settlements get closer to the European ones. I urge you to benefit also from other opportunities of developing the settlement, such as the Express European Village programme and I encourage the business people from the commune to access with confidence financing lines of the 373 programme,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

Also, the PM visited the kindergarten and crèche from the settlement, renovated with Romania’s financial support. The institution is daily attended by about 50 children and was nominated as the best endowed kindergarten from the district. More projects on the rehabilitation of the façade and ceiling, as well as on endowment with toys and modern furniture have been implemented at the institution in the last seven years.     

Due to the initiatives and active involvement of local residents and authorities, as well as to the efficient cooperation with development partners, the commune benefited from more financing projects. Modern playgrounds were arranged through the European Village national programme and children from the three villages daily enjoy a safe and proper area for leisure activities and games in open air.  

Photo: Government







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