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PHOTO Over 16 million cigarettes clandestinely made in Rezina

11:24 | 16.06.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, June 16. /MOLDPRES/- The law enforcers announced today the seizure of more than 16 million clandestinely manufactured cigarettes in a town in Rezina.

According to the Customs Service, they had no documents of origin and were intended for smuggling. At the same time, law enforcement found in the factory excise stamps with the inscription "Duty free only" and the cigarette production line.

Investigations into this case were initiated earlier this week. A mobile team of the Customs Service stopped a means of transport at the entrance to the city of Florești. The driver managed to escape from the scene, and the 34-year-old passenger said he was not carrying any cargo. Following the checks, the officers found 20 boxes containing 300 thousand cigarettes. These were without an excise stamp, with the inscription "Duty free only".

Law enforcers conducted searches in Rezina, during which the clandestine cigarette factory was found. There, 1,092 boxes with around 16 million cigarettes were identified without documents. In addition, excise stamps marked "Duty free only" were seized, as well as the cigarette production line.

Currently, the suspected persons are being investigated at large.

Photo: Customs Service







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