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Superior Council of Magistracy voted for resignation of judge Nina Cernat from position of interim president

14:29 | 04.07.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 4. /MOLDPRES/- Members of the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM) voted today for the resignation of judge Nina Cernat from the position of interim president of the CSM.

The head of the Legislation, Protocol and Communication Service of the CSM, Dorina Lambarschi confirmed the information.

The CSM voted for the appointment of judge Sergiu Caraman as interim president of the Council. His candidacy was approved by the vote of seven members of the CSM. Sergiu Caraman will hold this position until the appointment of the president of the CSM in accordance with the law.

The new Superior Council of the Magistracy is to be formed by 12 members: six from among judges, and six non-judges, elected by the Parliament. Currently, eight members are working in the CSM.


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