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General Prosecutor's Office: No requests to repatriate lifeless body of man from Tajikistan

15:43 | 04.07.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 4. /MOLDPRES/- So far, the General Prosecutor's Office has not received any requests for the repatriation of the lifeless body of the man from Tajikistan, accused of the double murder at the Chisinau International Airport.

Institution's communicator Emil Gaitur provided the information.

If no requests for repatriation from the relatives arrive, the man will be buried in the Republic of Moldova.

The man from Tajikistan, accused of the double murder at the Airport, died last night in the hospital. The 43-year-old attacker was injured during the arrest.

Two people - a border policeman and an airport security employee died on June 30 at Chisinau International Airport, after they were shot by a foreign citizen, who was not allowed to enter the country.


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