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Wine of Moldova presented at General Assembly of International Sommelier Association

16:25 | 04.07.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 4. /MOLDPRES/- The Republic of Moldova is represented by ten wine producers at the General Assembly of the International Sommelier Association (ASI), held on July 3-6, in Helsinki, Finland. It brings together over a hundred international leaders of the sommelier profession.

"For a decade already, the national wine brand "Vinul Moldovei/Wine of Moldova" represents the wine heritage of our country, and the quality of our wines has been successfully reaffirmed internationally thanks to the efforts of our producers and exporters. Wines are a notorious ambassador of the excellence that our country has achieved in the agri-food industry, also connecting cultural, touristic and national pride elements. The Embassy team made maximum efforts for a successful presence at the annual event of ASI, an exceptional international promotion opportunity", Ambassador of Moldova to the Kingdom of Sweden and Iceland, Norway and Finland Liliana Guțan said.

For the first time, the Sommelier Association of Moldova was invited to the ASI, which promoted the wines of Moldova both from renowned producers and small producers, offered through the National Office of Vine and Wine of Moldova (ONVV), the gold partner of ASI in 2023, thanks to the strategic support of USAID Moldova.

The partnership established between Vinul Moldovei (Wine of Moldova) and ASI is an initiative started by ONVV and assistance projects funded by USAID Moldova, starting in 2022. "Collaboration with ASI is a central activity of the marketing and promotion program of Wine of Moldova, strategically supported to increase the notoriety of our wines, as well as to open new business opportunities for our exporters. At the same time, ASI events offer a unique opportunity to connect with sommeliers and wine connoisseurs from around the world, favoring the exchange of knowledge, expertise and experience", Diana Lazăr, wine and tourism industry manager at USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Project in Moldova said.

Following the participation of Wine of Moldova in the event in Helsinki, new opportunities were set to promote wines on the Scandinavian markets, including for HORECA.





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