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PHOTO Graduates with average 10 in Baccalaureate exam awarded in Chisinau

11:11 | 05.07.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 5. /MOLDPRES/- Graduates who achieved an average of 10 in Baccalaureate exam were awarded today in Chisinau. They received diplomas of honor from the head of state, Maia Sandu, and diplomas of merit from the Ministry of Education and Research.

Attending the awards event was President Maia Sandu. She urged the graduates to continue their studies in Moldovan universities. "I am proud to meet you and to see so many young people trained in this country. I want to believe that at least some of you will go to study in the universities of the Republic of Moldova. For those who are going to study abroad, we will be waiting for you at home after you graduate. We're counting on you because you're smart kids. With such children, Moldova has a future", said Maia Sandu.

Minister of Education and Research Anatolie Topală thanked the parents and teachers who contributed to the training of the graduates. The minister said that this year, at the baccalaureate exam, the average 10 was obtained by 47 young people. More than 950 other students obtained the average higher than or equal to 9, and about 3300 graduates had the average in exams equal to or higher than 8. "Behind these results is a special work. You are true examples of perseverance, which are worthy of imitation by other young people. We are at a historic moment where we can all give ourselves a better future in a short time, and you are the force that has all the necessary skills to contribute to this transformation. I urge you to continue your studies in the Republic of Moldova and to contribute right from the first year of studies to help us build a prosperous future for the country", said Anatolie Topală.

The 2023 baccalaureate session took place on June 2-20. 18,396 candidates were admitted to it. The pass rate of the basic session, after examination of appeals, is 68.76%.







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