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In Floresti Prime Minister commemorated victims of second wave of Stalinist deportations

14:57 | 06.07.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 6. /MOLDPRES/- In Florești, Prime Minister Dorin Recean laid flowers at the monument in memory of the victims of the Stalinist regime's deportations, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

He talked to a survivor of Soviet Gulag. Elena Postolache-Șoimu told him the heartbreaking story she went through with her family.

The official thanked Postolache-Şoimu for her courage and resistance and together with other Bessarabians she fought for her rights and freedom.

"We honor the memory of those who were deported to distant lands and who carried this trauma all their lives - separated families, physical and emotional suffering, injustice. In commemorating the second wave of deportations, we must ensure that such atrocities never happen again. We must defend fundamental human values and stand in solidarity with all those who are still facing repression and injustice," Recean said.

74 years ago, 35,796 people from the current territory of the Republic of Moldova were deported to Siberia, this being the biggest wave of mass deportations in the history of our country.

Today, in our country, a lot of events are organized in memory of the victims of deportations. 


Photo: Government









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