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Moldovan farmers can submit applications for direct payments in animal husbandry sector

09:52 | 21.08.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Agency of Intervention and Payments for Agriculture (AIPA) has informed about the launch of the first call for submitting applications to ask for direct payments in the animal husbandry sector, per head of animal, for species of cattle, sheep, goats and horses; per one kg of product, cow milk.   

The applications on requesting direct payments per head of animal will be submitted till 30 September 2023, while the applications on asking for direct payments per one kg of product: cow milk, will be submitted till 15 September 2023. ‘’Thus, the animal owners recorded in the State Register of Animals (RSA) can submit the files on asking for subsidies to the AIPA territorial offices,’’, the quoted source says.   

To be eligible for the direct payments, the animals should be insured under the law on the insured subsidization in agriculture.  

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