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PHOTO Twenty nine sheep killed in the wake of accident occurred in south Moldova

16:00 | 21.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - A traffic accident today occurred on the M3 highway nearby the Porumbrei settlement, southern Cimislia district. A 25-year-old young man, at the wheel of a Lexus vehicle, got in a flock of sheep. As a result, 29 sheep perished and another 10 ones were injured.    

The accident took place at about 11:00. According to the police, the driver was moving with excessive speed and ignored the road signs set on the road segment.

The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) informed that both the driver and the 30-year-old shepherd proved not to be drunk.  

Policemen from Cimislia are to investigate the case, in order to establish all circumstances.

Photo: IGP





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