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Air Moldova company informs about ceasing of flights till 14 September

12:34 | 22.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Air Moldova Company today informed about the ceasing of its flights till 14 September 2023. The company noted that the passengers who had bought tickets would receive notifications at their emails, with options of reimbursement and rebooking.

According to a press release placed on the company’s webpage, the reimbursements for the cancelled flights are processed in continuation.  

„The passengers who purchased tickets online, on the company’s website, will receive the reimbursement upon request, on the card with which the ticket was paid. The passengers who bought the tickets through agencies will be able to receive the reimbursement in cash/on card after the resumption of the company’s commercial and operational activities,’’ the press release also reads.  

Air Moldova in the last months cancelled all flights because of the company’s precarious financial situation. The company has earlier issued an informative note, thereby saying that it was under reorganization and denied rumours on bankruptcy.  

The director of the Civil Aviation Authority, Vasile Saramet, said that Air Moldova might no longer return with operations on the Chisinau International Airport.   



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