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Moldovan president, Greek PM discuss bilateral cooperation

14:20 | 22.08.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has discussed the Moldovan-Greek cooperation with Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotákis, at the meeting of the heads of state and government from the South Eastern Europe and Western Balkans, held in Athens, the presidential press service has reported.   

Moldova is interested in a close cooperation in more sectors with Greece, including the energy one. In last spring, Energocom signed an agreement on cooperation with the Greek operator DEPA and subsequently – a contract on the purchasing of natural gas. The diversification of the natural gas supply sources is the key element for the ensuring of Moldova’s energy security.  

„At the discussion, we agreed to do our utmost, in order to open a direct flight between our capitals. I discussed with Prime Minister Mitsotakis the economic cooperation and the attraction of Greek investments, including in the context of the process of reconstruction of the cities from southern Ukraine. I told the Greek PM that our country is ready to detach, on the next days, 56 firemen to help extinguish the devastating fires faced by Greece, just as we did this in the previous years as well. We are in solidarity with the friendly countries, when needed,’’ the Moldovan president said.        

The head of state appreciated the Greek authorities’ decision to open an embassy in Chisinau and invited Prime Minister Mitsotakis to visit Moldova. ‘’Not in the least, I thanked the Greek partners for supporting Moldova’s accession to EU. The discussion organized on 21 August by the Greek PM with the countries of the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova – states which aspire to become EU members, is a positive signal that we have strong friends in the European Union, who are with us on our European integration way,’’ President Maia Sandu said.      

Photo: Presidency




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