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More hospitals of Moldova receive new ultrasound machines

17:11 | 22.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - More public medical and sanitary institutions have been endowed with 13 highly-advanced ultrasound machines. The event on the official delivery of the donation, provided by INTERSOS Organizzazione Umanitaria Roma, took place today.    

Attending the event were the state secretary at the Health Ministry, Ion Prisacaru, the head of the INTERSOS mission in Moldova, Marco Buono, and representatives of beneficiary institutions.  

The ultrasound machines worth 127,611 euros are meant to support the carrying out of medical investigations with a special accuracy. The following medical institutions will benefit from the advanced medical devices: Institute of Mother and Child, the State Hospital, State Polyclinic, University Clinic of First Medical Assistance of the Nicolae Testemitanu Medical University, Chiril Draganiuc Institute of Phthisiopneumology, Sangerei Health Centre, the District Hospitals from Cantemir, Orhei, Donduseni, Falesti, Telenesti, Hancesti and Rascani.    

The Health Ministry noted that INTERSOS Moldova had provided a substantial assistance, given the settlement of the crisis of refugees from Ukraine, initially through the involvement in the work of the mobile clinics at border and later through backing the integration of refugees in local communities.   

Photo: Health Ministry



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