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Vaccination promotion campaign launched in Moldova

20:25 | 23.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Health Ministry, in cooperation with UNICEF Moldova, National Public Health Agency and the Centre for Health Strategies and Policies today launched an information and community mobilization campaign, in an effort to enhance the rate of immunization among the residents. The campaign is focused on stimulating the demand for immunization in the rural areas and has the motto, Help me fight with infections.   

According to the Health Ministry, the campaign will take place with the involvement of the community, local public authorities, teachers, educators, social assistants in ten districts of Moldova and 15 suburbs of the Chisinau city, which record low rates of vaccination against infectious diseases which can be prevented by vaccination.    

The launch of the campaign was held in the Bacioi commune, Chisinau municipality, where the rate of vaccination is under 80 per cent for all vaccines included in the National Immunization Calendar.   

Specialists reiterate that vaccination was one of the safest and most efficient interventions in the public health sector and the principal measure for the prevention of infectious diseases.

In Moldova, about 42,000 cases of diseases and 350 deaths are annually prevented due to immunization.

Photo: Health Ministry




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