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PHOTO Ten Moldovans injured in accident occurred in Poland. Foreign affairs ministry informs about their state

09:52 | 24.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 August /MOLDPRES/ - Ten citizens of Moldova moving by a bus with Moldovan registration numbers were injured in a traffic accident which occurred on a road in Poland on 23 August. The Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE) made statements to this effect, stressing that it had taken note on this case.   

According to MAEIE, the Moldovan authorities took note on this case through Moldova’s Embassy in Warsaw and the ‘’life of the Moldovan citizens wounded in this accident is out of any danger,’’ after they were carried to hospital and received the proper medical care.  

„The wounded people were carried to the nearest hospitals, where they were provided medical assistance needed. The citizens’ lives are out of any danger. Moldova’s Embassy in Warsaw is in touch with the local authorities and is willing to undertake all consular actions necessary,’’ reads the announcement by the Moldovan Foreign Affairs Ministry.     

The Polish authorities said the accident had taken place on the S-17 road nearby the Gorzn settlement. Ten citizens of Moldova were wounded in the wake of the accident and authorities establish the reasons for the incident.

The foreign media wrote that the bus with Moldovan registration numbers, which was carrying Moldova’s citizens, collided with a lorry with Ukrainian numbers. Following the incident, one of the Polish ambulances, who took over two Moldovan citizens to carry them to hospital for medical care, got into another incident, after it had not been given way, even if the vehicle had all special signals turned on. As a result, the two Moldovans were injured again and the medical crew of the ambulance was slightly wounded.    





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