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Moldovan Intelligence and Security Service officers raise millions of cigarettes for contraband at secret factory nearby Chisinau

11:41 | 24.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 August /MOLDPRES/ - A capture of 127,000 cigarettes and 8,000,000 packages for packing, meant to be smuggled in Ukraine. Officers of the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) and the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating organized crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS) have detained three persons.    

According to SIS, the cigarettes were raised in a secret factory in area of the Chisinau city and were meant for contraband in Ukraine. The scheme was documented by law-enforcers during three months, after which searches were made, carried out in a building specialized in the processing of finished tobacco for cigarettes, at the homes of the people detained, as well as at other secret warehouses where consumables and raw materials meant for producing cigarettes were stocked.     

Three lines of producing cigarettes were detected, which ensured the entire process (crumbling, fermentation of tobacco, production and packing of cigarettes). Additionally, about two tons of finished/fermented tobacco for the fabrication of cigarettes was raised.  

The three detained men have ages of 34, 49 and 58 years. They were assigned various tasks: one person in charge of the management of the production process, one of the organizers of the illicit scheme and the engineer who ensured the work of the equipment.  

The investigations continue, including against other members who would be involved in the illegal activity.  

Photo: SIS 



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