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Moldova - Ukraine - Romania trilateral meeting on cooperation in energy security security sector to be held soon

15:12 | 24.08.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 24 August /MOLDPRES/ - A trilateral meeting Moldova – Ukraine – Romania on subjects concerning the cooperation in the energy supply security sector will be held soon. Energy Minister Victor Parlicov has made statements to this effect following a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart German Galushchenko in Kiev.   

„We have more projects in the energy sector to be carried out with Kiev colleagues. I discussed with my counterpart German Galushchenko and the state secretary, Yaroslav Demchenkov, joint priorities: increase in the capacity of in Ukraine-Moldova through the ENTSO-E European system from 1,200 MW up to 2,000 MW and turning to account of the entire potential of the Trans-Balkan corridor (Greece-Bulgaria-Romania-Moldova-Ukraine), as well as of the underground gas deposits from western Ukraine, for the reliable supply with gas of the Central Europe, including in the peak periods of consumption in winter,’’ Victor Parlicov said.    

At the same time, the minister informed that the participants in the discussions had agreed on boosting the Moldova-Ukraine-Secretariat of the Energy Community-European Commission and ENTSO-E dialogue, in order to speed up the process of permanent synchronization of the electric energy systems of Ukraine and Moldova and ENTSO-E, with the subsequent integration into the common European energy market.   

Victor Parlicov thanked the Ukrainian colleagues for the good cooperation, including in order to overcome the crisis situations from the autumn of 2021, as well as in the wake of Russia’s attacks on the civil energy infrastructure of Ukraine following 10 October 2022.  

A delegation of Moldova led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean pays a visit to Ukraine on 22-24 August.  

Photo: Energy Minister


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