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DOC Action plan for preparation for heating season published in Moldova's Official Journal

11:10 | 25.08.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 25 August /MOLDPRES/ - The action plan on the preparation for the 2023-2024 heating season was published in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial) today.   

The plan takes into account three possible scenarios. The first one refers to situations when there will not be limitings of natural gas delivered by Gazprom to Moldovagaz. The second scenario regards the continuation of the supply of natural gas by Gazprom at the level of 5.7 million cubic metres per day and the third scenario is the cancellation by Gazprom of the contract on supply of natural gas, signed with Moldovagaz. Depending on each scenario, with or without the limiting of delivery of natural gas, the action plan provides for measures of diminishing risks and ensuring the uninterrupted supply of natural gas to consumers.   

At the same time, the authorities are set to carry out more measures of reducing the consumption of natural gas in the next heating season. Thus, the plan’s authors propose a rational consumption of energy resources, reconnection of the public buildings to the centralized heating supply systems, the work of heating stations on alternative fuels, use of stocks of gas created by the Energocom stock company till the beginning of the cold season. The minimal margin of these stocks is to stand at 450 million cubic metres by 1 October.   

In the case of Termoelectrica, the biggest natural gas consumer, the use of crude oil as alternative fuel in combination with gas is envisaged, as case may be, but not more than 50 per cent of crude oil.

The document also stipulates the setting up of a governmental commission for coordinating the measures of preparing for the next winter and attenuation of the impact of the energy crisis in case of limiting of the supply of natural gas and electric energy.  

Statistics shows that the consumption of natural gas was cut by 47 per cent and the one of electric energy – by 10 per cent in the 2022-2023 heating season.   





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