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Moldova's National Employment Agency propose over 12,300 vacant jobs

12:27 | 25.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 August /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 12,387 vacant jobs have been proposed to citizens from all over Moldova by the National Employment Agency (ANOFM).

ANOFM said that, in terms of areas, most vacant jobs are registered in the Chisinau municipality – 4,801, Balti – 1,054 and Ungheni – 935. The fewest vacant jobs are recorded in the districts of Dubasari – 56, Sangerei – 59 and Causeni – 82.

A number of 2,682 vacant jobs are available for people with higher and secondary education, which accounts for 22 per cent of the total number. Thus, 1,025 vacant jobs are suggested for technicians and foremen and 469 vacant jobs – for specialists from other activity sectors. They are followed by employees in the health and social assistance field – 428 vacant jobs, specialists in the public institutions – 202 and financial activities and insurances – 147 vacant jobs.     

At the same time, ANOFM provides 9,696 jobs for people with vocational education and unqualified workers, which accounts for 78 per cent of the total number of vacant jobs. As many as 2,281 vacant jobs are proposed in the light industry sector and 1,002 – in the one of transport and depositing; 894 vacant jobs are suggested for qualified workers in the workmanship field.   

People can get information on the vacant jobs at the territorial subdivisions for employment ( or can call the Call Centre of ANOFM - 0 8000 1000. 




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