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Civil status acts registered in 1922 to be submitted to Moldova's National Agency of Archives

14:22 | 25.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Public Services Agency (ASP) submits the civil status acts issued in 1922 to the National Agency of Archives, in connection with the expiration of the term of 100 years of these acts issued in this year.

In the context, ASP informs about the ceasing of the issuance of extracts and duplicates of the civil status acts issued on this period.  

The territorial subdivisions will ensure the providing of civil status acts, based on the civil status acts compiled since the 1923 year so far.  

To get archive information and documents based on the civil status acts issued in 1922 inclusively, people interested should appeal to the National Agency of Archives from Moldova (MD-2028, Chisinau municipality, Gh. Asachi Street, 67B, email:

Photo: ASP



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