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Teachers' salary to increase in Moldova as of 1 January 2024

16:36 | 25.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 August /MOLDPRES/ - The salary of teachers will increase as of 1 January 2024. Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun today made statements to this effect.   

The minister recognized that, at present, the teachers’ salary ‘’is inefficient,’’ noting that it would increase in early next year, ‘’just as it occurs in the case of all public sector employees.’’ 

At the same time, the official also said that significant increases of teachers’ salaries would be able to be made when the resources allocated for the education system are managed and distributed more efficiently. ‘’I specify that, when we talk about significant increases of the salary by 30, 40 or 50 per cent, we should understand, realistically speaking, that they will not occur as long as we do not make use more efficiently of the financial resources earmarked for our education system. We must do more with the resources we have, spend them more responsibly and here the Education and Research Ministry (MEC) will have a stimulating approach: we will provide stimuli for the parents due to choose to send their children to study at better schools in the neighbourhood, will massively invest at least in a school at the level of a district, so that it meets the standards and becomes a pole of attraction for parents. If we manage to do this efficiently and quickly, we will have the resources needed to get to the level of paying salaries which everybody wants,’’ Dan Perciun said.    

The minister specified that Moldova spent 5.8 per cent of its Gross Domestic Product for education, which is more than the European average level to this end. For comparison, Romania spends 3.2 per cent of its GDP for the education system.    



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