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Moldovan foreign affairs ministry commends on statements by official representative of Russian foreign affairs ministry

18:13 | 25.08.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE) today came up with commentaries on recent statements made by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry.    

„Our country’s neutrality does not mean isolation. The authorities develop partnerships with organizations and states, in order to preserve the peace and security of the country. In this respect, Moldova cooperates with those who promote the democratic values. Starting the first day of the war, we firmly condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. We will continue to provide our Ukrainian friends all assistance possible, both bilaterally and within international organizations. At the same time, we are resolute to become an EU member state. We have a strong mandate on behalf of the citizens, who chose to live in a free, democratic and prosperous world – EU. We turn down any attempt to undermine these efforts. Moldova remains firmly anchored in the European value space,’’ reads a press release issued by MAEIE.      

The spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Maria Zakharova, today made a longer posting on the situation in Moldova. She resumes the theses, according to which the West actively attracts Moldova in the conflict in Ukraine. Zakharova noted that, despite the radical cutting of the number of employees of the Russian external mission, at a request by the Moldovan authorities, the Consular Section of Russia’s Embassy in Chisinau had resumed its activities.  

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