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European MP proposes reallocation of 600 million euros for Moldova

14:33 | 06.09.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 6 September /MOLDPRES/ - European lawmaker Siegfried Muresan has submitted an amendment in the European Parliament on the reallocation of 600 million euros for Moldova, after the Facility for Ukraine is created.   

According to the European MP, the legislative report on the Facility for Ukraine, on which presently work is carried out in the European Parliament, provides for the creation of a new financial instrument, of about 50 billion euros, in order to support the Ukrainian citizens and authorities. Once this special financial instrument created, the funds initially earmarked in the EU’s budget for backing Ukraine during 2024-2027 become available for other investments. It is about a sum estimated at about 600 million euros from the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).   

„In the amendment which I submitted to the draft regulation on the creation of the facility, I demand that this money, which becomes available, is put at the disposal of the countries candidates of the European Union, which are the border of the war in Ukraine. At this point, the only country candidate at the border with Ukraine is Moldova,’’ European MP Siegfried Muresan said following the submission of the amendment.

The official noted that, after Ukraine, Moldova was the country worst hit by the war unleashed by Russia and the authorities and citizens of Moldova had managed to successfully manage these challenges and the country had managed, in the last two years, ‘’to make unprecedented progress as regards the reforms’ implementation and the European integration.’’   

„Therefore, as chief negotiator of the European Parliament for EU’s Budget from 2024, I think that Moldova needs every support which we can provide on the next period, so that it manages, in continuation, the challenges it faces, takes measures of support for people and presses head with the reforms concerning the European integration. That is why, I will fight for this money to be made available to Moldova as quickly as possible,’’ Siegfried Muresan added.   

In last mid-August, the European Commission informed that it would redirect 135 million euros for consolidating the cooperation with Moldova and Ukraine. The funds were initially meant for programmes with Russia and Belarus.    



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