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Moldovan president says leadership to continue working for more inclusion, for old age lived happily

15:42 | 01.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 1 October /MOLDPRES/ - On the International Day of Older People, annually marked on 1 October, President Maia Sandu stressed that we can edify a solid society, when we have a close connection and based on respect between all generations, the presidential press service has reported.    

„On the International Day of Older People, I want us to everybody be aware of the richness of the experiences of life of the older people – it represents a reserve of lessons learned, history lived and wisdom collected during years. Let us encourage the new generations to learn from the experience of the elderly people. Let us make bridges and roads, avoid the fractures which weaken us,’’ the Moldovan president said.    

The head of state urged that, on this day, we should remember the dear elderly people. ‘’We should visit our relatives – parents and grandparents who are always waiting us, with patience and longing. We should call them, if they are far away; we should call them more often and speak with them more, we should listen and understand them. We should visit the neighbours who we know that are not visited too often.’’     

President Maia Sandu noted that, in last June, the national programme for active and sound ageing was approved, the goal of which is to make easier the access to the social, medical and cultural services for elderly people. ‘’We want their active involvement in the labour market and in the decision-making process of any level. We will continue working for more inclusion, for an old age lived happily, in better conditions, in respect and in dignity,’’ the head of state added.     

Photo: Presidency






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