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Moldovan, European officials approach current situation

10:17 | 02.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Oct. 2 /MOLDPRES/- Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu had a phone conversation with Gert Jan Koopman, director-general of Directorate General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations. They discussed Moldova's significant progress in implementing the nine recommendations of the European Commission, the MAEIE press service has repored.

The latest updates on the implementation of the recommendations have recently been sent ahead of the EU enlargement report scheduled for later this month. The report will mark a historic stage, reflecting for the first time also the Republic of Moldova.

"Since we obtained candidate country status, we have recorded many important achievements and have been able to effectively implement most of the recommendations received. We also discussed the next steps we need to take before the final decision of the European Council in December 2023. We are optimistic and hope that thanks to our achievements we will receive a positive decision to start the negotiation process with the EU", pointed out Nicu Popescu.

Photo: MAEIE


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