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Over 500 hectares of dry vegetation consumed by fires over weekend

13:11 | 02.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Oct. 2 /MOLDPRES/- On weekend days, firemen intervened in 45 cases of liquidation of dry vegetation fires, around 540 ha of land being compromised.

According to IGSU, yesterday near the town of Roșcani and the city of Strășeni, the institution's employees were alerted to liquidate a vegetation fire on an extensive area. Nine special vehicles and 33 rescuers and firefighters were on the spot to extinguish the outbreaks. After several hours of work, the firefighters managed to extinguish the flames at 21:13. As a result of the large-scale fire, approximately 45 hectares of dry vegetation were affected.

Firefighters' intervention was also needed in Hâncești district, Negrea locality. Here, fire crews cleared 25 hectares of dry vegetation. Another case was recorded in Anenii Noi district, Cobusca Veche village, where IGSU employees managed to put out the flames that destroyed about 30 hectares of dry vegetation. Moreover, the rescuers and firefighters intervened to extinguish the flames that engulfed a land with dry grass on an area of 30 hectares, in the town of Filipeni, Leova district.

In this context, and given the warning issued by the State Hydrometeorological Service regarding the exceptional danger of fire (class V), on October 1-15, 2023, IGSU urges citizens to avoid using open fire near the fields and forest spaces.

IGSU data show that the past week, 228 cases of forest fires were registered, affecting 1433 hectares of land.

Photo: IGSU




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