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Prime Minister introduced new minister Petru Rotaru to Ministry of Finance team

12:45 | 02.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Oct. 2 /MOLDPRES/- New Minister of Finance Petru Rotaru was introduced today to the ministry's team, in the presence of Prime Minister Dorin Recean and former head of the institution Veronica Sirețeanu, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

"I have every confidence we will ensure continuity at the Ministry of Finance, which is like the financial department in a company - it determines the financing strategy, determines how best to finance a project and in this way helps other institutions to structure their strategic thinking of the public policies they implement. The new minister, accompanied by an excellent team, will be able to bring added value to the citizens, because this is the most important objective of the Government", said Recean.

"Continue to be a model public institution, do not slow down and continue the prodigious work for the benefit of the citizen", Sirețeanu said.

Rotaru spoke about the agenda of the institution's objectives, aimed at increasing revenues to the state budget.

"We have several goals in front of us, but also many challenges that, I am sure, we will manage to overcome together. We will make the maximum effort to have as many revenues as possible, as many investments as possible in the public domain and to ensure a sustainable budget balance", said Rotaru.

Photo: Government




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