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National Wine Day to be marked in Moldova with slogan Our Wine Conquers the World on 7-8 October

14:52 | 02.10.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 2 October /MOLDPRES/ - Our Wine Conquers the World is the slogan of the National Wine Day this year, due to be held on 7-8 October. The 22nd edition of the event will celebrate one decade of success of the Wine of Moldova, with more than 100,000 visitors expected to come to the event.    

„This is the biggest holiday and only day in the world dedicated to the Wine of Moldova and our wine-making traditions. Traditionally, the event will be held on the Great National Assembly Square. The 22nd edition of the National Wine Day will bring together about 100 wine-makers gathered under the umbrella of the Wine of Moldova wine-making country brand, who present their creations with pride: well-known wines, which brought them medals at international competitions, wines from the new harvest and new launches. Also, the Wine Day will be celebrated at more wineries and wine cellars from Moldova. The wine is not only a food product, but also a culture of our nation, which must be promoted,’’ the director of the National Office of Vine and Wine (ONVV), Elizaveta Breahna, said at a news conference     

The event will take place in the context of the tenth anniversary of the launch of the Wine of Moldova. A legend alive, country wine-making brand.

„This event is a manifesto of the determination to continue on the way of excellence and a special occasion to celebrate the revolutionary success of the Wine of Moldova on the global stage. The National Wine Day is a synthesis of the results of the work of vine-growers and wine-makers, who consolidated the position of our country on the world wine-making map and who defined the Wine of Moldova as the most representative Ambassador of Moldova all over the world. Work should be still carried out for the image of the Moldovan wine to be promoted as widely as possible. Or for this, we will have this year a large number of agriculture ministers from different countries, who will honour the event with their presence, more tourists, as well as a record number of wine-makers who will make their products known,’’ Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea said.        

The National Wine Day is organized by the National Office of Vine and Wine, Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry, with the support of the strategic partner United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Moldova, through the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity Project.

The Wine Festival from Moldova, subsequently officially named National Wine Day, was held for the first time ever in 2002, at an initiative by the then president of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin. Traditionally, the event is held on the Great National Assembly Square from Chisinau and at wineries from the country, in the first week-end of October, following the grapes’ harvesting. The festival celebrates the rich traditions of the wine-making sector of Moldova, which date back from the 15th century. The goal of the event is to promote and consolidate Moldova’s image as an important vine-growing and wine-making state, ensure the support for the sector’s development, know the wine products, facilitate the process of Moldova’s inclusion in international routes of wine, attract investors and tourists, increase the domestic consumption of highly qualitative drinks, familiarize with the people’s customs, culture and traditions.

Over 2 per cent of the world’s vine plantations are situated in Moldova. Moldova is among the first 20 countries producing wine, being also an important exporter of the world. The vine-growing and wine-making industry represents one of the key branches of Moldova’s economy. The Moldovan wines are imported by over 70 countries from various regions of the world.  






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