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Moldovan parliamentary commissions hold 58 meetings in last September

15:02 | 02.10.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 2 October /MOLDPRES/ - The standing parliamentary commissions held 58 meetings and approved 30 reports, nine co-reports and 81 notifications in last September.   

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, most reports – 14, were approved by the members of the commission for economy. Also, the members of the commission for social protection, health and family approved three reports and 22 notifications. Also in September 2023, the members of the commission for environment, climate and green transition convened at three meetings and approved one report, one co-report and 18 notifications.    

The standing commissions are working bodies of the parliament, which consider draft legislative acts and legislative proposals, in order to elaborate reports or notifications, carry out parliamentary investigations, discuss and rule on other issues, including by fulfilling tasks given by the parliament speaker or deputy speakers.  

Photo: Parliament



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