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Cancer patients to have facilitated access to highly advanced services in Moldova

18:58 | 02.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 October /MOLDPRES/ - The National Health Insurances Company (CNAM) starting from today will make the scheduling of all cancer patients for highly advanced medical services (SIP).  

According to CNAM, the decision was taken, in order to facilitate the access of all cancer patients to SIP, including of the recorded ones, and to shorten the waiting time at these services.   

Thus, the Oncological Institute and physicians oncologists from districts will daily present by email to CNAM the forms of patients’ referrals for highly advanced medical services.

Also, CNAM will inform patients about the date and time of the scheduling for the investigation indicated and will compile the weekly report on the scheduling of the cancer patient from the list of prescriptions presented by the Oncological Institute and physicians oncologists from districts/physicians in charge of oncology.     

The scheduling by CNAM of the cancer patient will be made in pilot regime during October-December 2023.   

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