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CSE earmarked financial means to remove consequences of natural disasters

10:37 | 03.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Oct. 3 /MOLDPRES/- 123.1 thousand lei from the Government's Intervention Fund will be earmarked to Bucovăț City Council, Străseni district, to remove the consequences of the heavy rains of April, which caused landslides on a section of the local road. The decision was approved at a meeting of the Commission for Emergency Situations, chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

The money will be distributed for the elaboration of the implementation project on measures against landslides in the affected area to prevent damage to houses, agricultural lands, road and transport infrastructure in the region.

Another 250 thousand lei will be allocated to Corpaci Village Council, Edineț district, for the repair of the roof of the Day Center for elderly, destroyed following the heavy rains of July.

CSE members ordered the closure of the request for international assistance to manage the refugee crisis, launched with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. So far, our country has received via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism humanitarian assistance worth about 16.4 million euros. If needed, the authorities will launch a new call for assistance.

The precautions on the activity of private people and legal entities in the list of US sanctions for persistent campaigns of malicious influence and acts of corruption have been updated. In this context, the prohibition on the transfer of the assets of the sanctions to a public authority, public institution or an enterprise with majority state capital was excluded, as well as in the case of the registration of such a transfer of rights. 

Photo: Government



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