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IGSU received six special vehicles from Austrian volunteer firemen

13:13 | 03.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Oct. 3 /MOLDPRES/- Six fire intervention technical units were received today for the territorial posts of rescuers and firemen in the Moldovan localities. The donation was made by the volunteer firefighters from the Republic of Austria.

Attending the event were IGSU head Alexandru Oprea and volunteer firefighting team leader from Austria Kohler Johannes Michael.

In his speech, Oprea said that the events have become a tradition and are aimed at strengthening the capacities of local public authorities in managing emergency situations. Thanks to the Austrian partners, the communities in our country have managed to create completely voluntary rescuers and firemen posts for primary intervention in emergency situations. The official thanked the volunteer firefighters for getting familiar with volunteer activities in Austria.

The 6 special vehicles provided by the volunteer firefighters will reach the IGSU subdivisions in Telenești and Orhei, as well as in the territorial posts of rescuers and firefighters in the localities of Trebujeni, Orhei district, Suhuluceni, Telenești district and Cârnăţenii Noi, Căușeni district.

According to the IGSU, there are currently 68 territorial posts of rescuers and firefighters in the Republic of Moldova, and 20 of them operate on a voluntary basis.

Photo: IGSU


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