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Candidate on behalf of Moldova's government for office of member of Superior Council of Prosecutors withdraws from contest

14:40 | 03.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 October /MOLDPRES/ - The candidate on behalf of the government for the office of member of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP), Radu Mirza, has withdrawn from the contest.    

The decision of the Pre-Vetting Commission was communicated both to candidate Radu Mirza and the government – the institution in charge of the organization of the contest in this case.

Under the Law No 26/2022 on measures related to the selection of candidates for the office of member in the bodies of self-management of judges and prosecutors, the withdrawal from the contest of a candidate, after the institution competent with the organization of the elections or of the contest submits the list of candidates to the Commission, is equivalent to the non-passage of the evaluation, no matter the reason invoked by the candidate.    

Following the withdrawal of Radu Mirza, Mihail Sorbala, university lecturer at the public law department of the Law Faculty of the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), remains the only representative of the civil society selected by the government for filling the vacant office of CSP member. 

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