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CSE sets individualization criteria on people having no right to run for local elections

10:38 | 04.10.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Oct. 4 /MOLDPRES/- This morning, a meeting of the Commission for Emergency Situations /CSE/ was convened to set up individualization criteria on the persons who do not have the right to run for the 5 November local elections and the possibility to appeal these administrative decisions to the Court of Appeal.

At the end of the CSE meeting, Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that people accused, suspected or indicted of crimes that were mentioned as an argument by the Constitutional Court when declaring the party unconstitutional, have directly carried out actions that were arguments retained in the decision of the Constitutional Court declaring the party unconstitutional, were excluded from the previous electoral ballot as a result of the violation of the principle of illegal financing committed intentionally or were included in the international sanctions retained in the Court's decision - will not be allowed to run for the elections on November 5, 2023.

"State institutions will not allow members of an organized criminal group to rig the elections," he said.


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