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European MPs on 5 October to demand starting of negotiations on Moldova's accession to EU till end of 2023 year

14:39 | 04.10.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 October /MOLDPRES/ - We will demand the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union till the end of this year in the plenum of the European Parliament. European MP Siegfried Muresan has made statements to this effect, noting that the request would be made on 5 October.

„Moldova’s citizens want to live just as we, in freedom, in democracy. And given that Moldova is a candidate state now, we, the members of the European Parliament, must say quite clearly: one day, Moldova will be member of the European Union and Moldova’s citizens will have exactly the same rights as all citizens from the other member states of the European Union,’’ Muresan noted.  

He specified that ‘’he sees how reforms which have stayed too long non-implemented for years, are finally carried out with speed now.’’

„We see how corruption is combated, the justice is strengthened, the rule of law state is consolidated in Moldova. We see how reforms are also implemented, so that Moldova gains the trust of investors, creates stable well-paid jobs, investments can go to Moldova. We appreciate these efforts; we back Moldova with everything we can. And in the last period, the European Union has supported Moldova more than aver: with financial support, with technical basking, we provide Moldova with everything we have, resources, access to gas, just as to any European Union member state. And namely because we do so many things together, we must switch to the next stage,’’ the MEP said.    

Muresan also said that, through this resolution, ‘’we, the European Parliament, will say quite clearly: we demand the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union till the end of this year. Thus, Moldova will be modernized and will be reformed even more as quickly as possible. This is a good thing for Moldova’s citizens and for the people from the European Union.’’  




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