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Communists and Socialists Bloc faction MPs left parliament session

12:48 | 04.10.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Oct. 4 /MOLDPRES/- Communists and Socialists Bloc (BCS) faction MPs left today's parliament session in protest.

They criticized the PAS draft amending the Electoral Code and described the situation as "having reached absurdity".

BCS faction head Vlad Batrîncea said he did not understand today's decision of the CSE that established the individualization criteria regarding the people who do not have the right to run for local elections.

"When we have a functioning Parliament, we need to make sure that the approved laws meet the necessary criteria. The electoral code is the competence of the Parliament. We have the CEC which has the necessary competence to sanction these parties. Our country does not have clear rules, the laws are not stable, the situation reaches absurdity here as well. We let you follow the agenda, but we still urge you to get out of the state of emergency", Batrîncea said.

The parliament met today to amend the Electoral Code.


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