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Unemployed mothers to be insured until child is 2 years old

14:11 | 04.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Oct. 4 /MOLDPRES/- Unemployed mothers who care for children up to two years old will have the status of an insured person and will be able to benefit from full medical assistance. Expenses in the case of obstetric emergencies for uninsured women will be covered from the mandatory health care insurance funds. The government approved a decision on the matter today, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

To ensure equal treatment in relation to employed persons, the status of insured person will be maintained for freelancers in the justice sector and unemployed persons who independently practice the profession of family doctor, in case of suspension of their activity during maternity leave or leave for the care of a child up to three years old.

The document also sees the extension of the insured person status by January 31 of the following year, in the case of those who pay the insurance. 

According to the new provisions, contraventional liability will be excluded for non-payment of policies in a fixed amount, within the term established by law, in order to avoid financial pressure on people who have not insured themselves individually.

The draft law is to be presented to the Parliament for approval.

Photo: Government


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