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Emergency Medical Assistance Point inaugurated in central Moldova settlement

22:43 | 04.10.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 4 October /MOLDPRES/ - A new Emergency Medical Assistance Point (PAMU) has been opened in the Puhoi settlement, central Ialoveni district. The structure has renovated rooms and is endowed with furniture.   

The modern conditions were created for the emergency medical team, which will provide the first aid to those 13,000 local residents from the communes of Puhoi, Tipala, Gangura and the villages of Varatic, Blatati, Budai, Misovca and Homuteanovca.  

„PAMU Puhoi has alert room, deposit for preserving medicines, leisure halls staff, living room, sanitary units, as well as a garage with two boxes for ambulances,’’ the Health Ministry said.   

The cost of the works of renovation, connection to networks of supply with thermal energy, gas, electric energy, water and sewerage, construction of garage, is of about nine million lei (450,000 euros). The finance is received by the Puhoi mayoralty through the European Village programme. Financial means from the mandatory health insurances accounts were allocated for endowing PAMU.   

In late 2022, the new headquarters of the Ialoveni Emergency Medical Assistance Substation (SAMU) was inaugurated with financial means earmarked by the Health Ministry. There are five points within SAMU Ialoveni, in the settlements Bardar, Costesti, Razeni, Vasieni and Puhoi.  

Photo: Health Ministry







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