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Moldova becomes first country in region to offer quick and free access to construction legislation

11:26 | 05.10.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Oct. 5 /MOLDPRES/- Construction professionals, local public authorities, as well as any person interested in this field can quickly and free access to the normative acts and regulations to carry out construction projects by accessing the new online platform Moldova becomes the first country in the region to offer free access to a wide spectrum of information for the construction sector necessary from the design stage to putting into operation of the objectives.

The portal was created at the initiative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development with the support of the Institutional and Structural Reforms Program in Moldova (MISRA), financed by the USAID. "Recently, the platform, available in Romanian, Russian and English, was presented to construction specialists, architects, engineers," explains USAID.

The system includes over a thousand sources with reference to national and European legislation, technical regulations, construction standards, regulations and instructions. It offers the possibility to quickly search for the necessary documents, and receive real-time notifications about new changes and updates in construction legislation.

The administrators of the portal say that thanks to the availability of information in several languages, the portal is currently accessed both by professionals from the Republic of Moldova and from abroad.

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