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Moldovan-Romanian project for backing Ukrainian refugees launched in Chisinau

15:11 | 30.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 October /MOLDPRES/ - People in Need in Chisinau has launched a Moldovan-Romanian project for backing the Ukrainian refugees. The project regards 18 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 8 from Moldova and 10 from Romania, which provide services to the people hit by the war, especially for refugees from Ukraine and promotes their integration into the host communities.      

Thus, the principal goals of the project are the development of the capacities of the participating organizations and the enhancement of the cross-border cooperation between the NGOs from Moldova and Romania. Besides, the project is set to support the organizations, in order to be able to get a real sustainability.  

The first meeting of the representatives of the NGOs involved, held in Chisinau, was aimed at identifying the common points for cooperation, creating connections for collaboration, future partnerships, etc.   

People in Need Moldova supports civil society’s organizations, so that the latter provide services for people in need, especially for refugees from Ukraine.  

Photo: People in Need Moldova 




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