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Agency for Energy Efficiency launches stage of files' collection for Eco Energy Moldova Competition, 2023 edition

17:17 | 30.10.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 October /MOLDPRES/ - The public institutions and the local public authorities of the levels I and II which implemented energy efficiency projects and on turning to account of renewable energy sources can submit the files on participation in the Eco Energy Moldova Competition, 2023 edition. The contest was launched by the Agency for Energy Efficiency (AEE) today. The acts can be submitted till 22 November this year.     

The 2023 year issue of the competition is dedicated to the public sector and is aimed at identifying and assessing the most successful projects implemented in the public sector. All participants will compete at a single category titled, Exemplary role of the public sector in the promotion of the energy efficiency and renewable energy.  

Public institutions, education, cultural, social and medical institutions, as well as the public authorities of the levels I and II can register for the competition. They will compete at four nominations: The best energy efficiency project in public buildings; The best project on the production of renewable electric energy in public buildings; The best project on the production of renewable thermal energy; The best project on energy efficiency in the street illumination sector.    

To participate in the competition, people interested should submit a form signed electronically to the AEE’s email: The participants can submit one or more projects. The same project cannot be registered for more categories concomitantly.  

The projects put into operation on the period 1 January-1 December 2023 and which did not take part in the previous editions of the Eco Energy Moldova Competition will be regarded as eligible for the competition.  

The winners will be announced at the Gala of the Eco Energy Moldova, 2023 edition, due on 15 December.  

Photo: AEE



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