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Moldovan parliament speaker says votes for European Chisinau

16:05 | 05.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 November /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has exercised his right to vote at the general local elections. ‘’I voted for a European capital, for a mayor and councilors who are to represent us,’’ the parliament speaker said at the exit from the polling station, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.  

Also, the speaker urged the citizens to participate in the ballot. ‘’My urge for everybody is to go to vote, to vote the mayors, vote the councilors, as any mayor needs a team of councilors who are to help him/her, to promote together the projects, programmes and the good of the citizens,’’ Igor Grosu added.  

General local elections take place today. Thus, almost 900 mayors and more than 11,000 local councilors are to be elected at this ballot. As many as 1,958 polling stations were opened all over Moldova.   



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