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Moldovan Central Electoral Commission: more than 1,110,000 electors vote till 19:00

19:40 | 05.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 5 November /MOLDPRES/ - More than 1,110,000 electors (about 40 per cent) out of those 2,758,810 ones registered in lists, voted till 19:00. The voter turnout is under 25 per cent in several settlements. The president of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Angelica Caraman, has made statements to this effect at a news briefing.    

According to the CEC’s leadership, the settlement with the highest voter turnout stays Pocrovca, northern Donduseni district, where a voter turnout of over 77 per cent is recorded till the aforementioned hour. The settlement with the lowest voter turnout is from the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, where less than five per cent of the electors voted till 19:00.      

In the Chisinau municipality, over 39 per cent of the electors voted till 19:00. The voters from the Rascani district of the capital remain the most active ones – 38 per cent. The lowest voter turnout in the capital was recorded in the Ciocana district. A general voter turnout of over 41 per cent is registered in Chisinau’s suburbs. The most active voters are from the Condrita village, where over 51 per cent of the electors have already participated in the voting.   

In the Balti city, the voter turnout is of 37 per cent and in Comrat – 39 per cent.  

The citizens with right to vote from Moldova today elect their mayors and councilors at the general local elections. Those 1,958 polling stations were opened at 07:00. The voting procedure will end at 21:00. As many as 2,758,810 electors are expected to come to vote.



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